Procurement Experts from around the country join User Advisory Board

Including a video message to Procurement Leaders around the country from Dr. Randy Bradley

Jan Siderius
25 February 2019

Negometrix welcomes the following members to the Negometrix User Advisory Board:

  • Paul Brennan – Director of Purchasing – County of Rockland (NY); President at ProcurePath, former President of NIGP
  • Randy Bradley – Assistant Professor of IS and Supply Chain Management at University of Tennessee, in Knoxville TN
  • Mike Derr – Contracts/Purchasing Officer, County of Monterey, California. Current President of NPI National Procurement Institute. (Mike recently committed and was not present this time)

Including the Negometrix staff, the group combines tremendous hands-on procurement experience with academic insights in e-procurement and digitalization of organizations in general. Note that the term “digitalization” expresses a changed business model, rather than “digitizing” the current model.

Day-long meeting (in Brooklyn, NY)

Two of our advisors joined our complete US staff & Negometrix’s new CEO from the Netherlands during our first meeting in February 2019. During an interactive, productive, day-long discussion we covered:

1. Trends in purchasing (that affect eProcurement) such as:

  • A growing offering of solutions such as Negometrix improving older business models
  • Best Value, and need to convince local governments
  • Sustainability, currently (too) little priority in daily practice
  • Younger workforce moving in
  • (Increased) role of Cooperative purchasing (due to less personnel)

2. Negometrix should be more explicit on the tangible benefits of using the software such as:

  • Immediate implementation
  • Very low cost (compared to legacy systems)
  • Connection and involvement of non-procurement employees
  • Getting more and more focused offers from suppliers
  • Evaluation made easy, efficient and mistake-free
  • Integration with other systems (such as Oracle, SAP, Peoplesoft)

3. Prioritize the development of product modules and features pertaining to the US market

4. Warm welcome in the US procurement community

Negometrix is very pleased with its first customers and the warm welcome received from the public procurement community. This professional community knows that solicitations and contract management are going to be digitalized in the coming years, and appreciates our knowledge and experience in the sector.  This experience has been built in a country that has been 100% digitalized since 2017, as Negometrix led a digital evolution in the Netherlands, and has the resources, experience, and expertise to transform the same process in the United States.

Message to Procurement Leaders around the country from Dr. Randy Bradley

During a break in the meeting, we asked Dr. Bradley, one of the country’s top-experts in digitalization of procurement, a few questions on his favorite topic. Check out the awesome highlights of his message for today’s Procurement Leaders.