The software by Commerce-hub is now called NegometrixPortal
The name Portal ensures a clear distinction of the different software solutions by the Negometrix company.
As of today, the name of the software you know as Commerce-hub will change into NegometrixPortal.
The name Portal ensures a clear distinction of the different software solutions by the Negometrix company.
The new name and the new logo will be visible in the software and throughout other means of communication.

As of 21 January, the website will redirect to a new login page informing all users about the name change.
Email address for Support
The name change also includes a change in the support email address:
The formerly known will automatically forward all emails to the new address.
We will monitor traffic and inform in time about the permanent shutdown of the address accordingly.
The phone number for support for NegometrixPortal will not change.
Please update your templates and inform your colleagues by forwarding this message.
Do not hesitate to contact us for further information. If you have more questions, your contact person at Negometrix will be able to answer them.