The State of Procurement in the United States (English blog)

There is much for their procurement practitioners to learn from the rest of the world

Darin Matthews
12 april 2019

What’s going on in the public procurement world within the US? The Negometrix user day organization is thankful to Darin Matthews to join our 2019 edition. He will address the legal framework of procurement, both at the federal and local level: while Federal regulations are narrowly defined, there is no nation-wide legal public procurement framework.

Most US states have made their own rules covering the more than 100.000 US government agencies. Typically, they resemble each other from state to state, but there are marked differences. In some US states, rules can even differ from county to county.

Finding various tender announcements can also be a challenge for businesses. Suppliers complain as there is not a central point to find all the opportunities. While some states and systems do have e-procurement systems that offer this function, it is far from universal or widely adopted.

Leading trends will also be discussed such as:

  • Buy local preferences
  • Qualifications based selection (QBS)
  • Sustainable procurement practices
  • Supplier diversity and inclusivity
  • Technology implementation
  • Procurement trends
  • Future of public procurement

While the US has a long history of public procurement regulations and practices, there is much for their procurement practitioners to learn from the rest of the world. This why Darin is very much looking forward to an interactive session.

Darin Matthews, Director of Procurement & Supply Chain for the University of California, Santa Cruz, is spreker op de Negometrix Gebruikersdag 2019. Hij geeft de sessie ‘Public Procurement in the US’. Net als dit blog zal de sessie in het Engels worden gepresenteerd.

Bekijk hier alle workshops of check voor meer informatie. De Gebruikersdag vindt plaats op 14 mei in de Jaarbeurs in Utrecht en is enkel toegankelijk voor organisaties met een licentie van Negometrix.

About Darin Matthews, CPSM, CPPO, C.P.M.

Darin Matthews is the Director of Procurement & Supply Chain for the University of California, Santa Cruz. He has over 25 years of procurement and supply chain experience in a variety of sectors, and formerly served as President of NIGP: Institute for Public Procurement. He has served as a faculty member for several universities, teaching courses on public procurement, supply chain management, and construction contracting. Darin is the author of several books and articles, including Effective Supply Management Performance published by ISM, and his most recent book, Public Procurement by Birkdale Publishers. He is also a columnist for Government Procurement magazine and speaks throughout the world on such issues as strategic procurement, sustainable procurement strategies, and global logistics.