Public Procurement in the EU becomes 100% Digital
October 18th, 2018 by Mathieu Tebele
FYI: As of Spring 2021, Negometrix is now Mercell
As of October 18th 2018, each public government agency across the EU is required to conduct all solicitations digitally, and can no longer accept paper or mailed bids. To underline the date, the Digital Transformation of Public Procurement Conference was held in Lisbon, Portugal, where representatives from public agencies across Europe gathered in regard to the digital transformation.
Negometrix CEO Jan Siderius spoke at this conference and reflected on what is still to come:
-How public procurement will move from documents to data-analytics
-What role artificial intelligence can play in public procurement
-Profound changes allowing faster and more intelligent contracting of suppliers
Mr. Siderius also highlights that certain countries such as Portugal and Sweden paved the path for this digital transformation of public procurement, having been fully digital for 10+ years. In addition, other countries such as the Netherlands and Croatia have been fully digital as well before this EU mandate. There is much optimism as the countries within the EU that have already mandated digital public procurement before this EU mandate will be able to guide those who must first start this process now. Overall, this digital transformation will help connect public agencies to more potential suppliers across Europe, and even across the globe. It will be interesting to see how such a process would play out in the United States, as e-Procurement is becoming more and more popular with every passing year.
For more information and a recap of the conference, click here
To view a recap of Negometrix CEO Jan Siderius’s presentation, click here