Weekly Features
FYI: As of Spring 2021, Negometrix is now Mercell
Every week we will share a feature of our software, stay tuned!

Evaluator Comments
Negometrix enables Evaluation teams to leave comments when reviewing questions, enabling committees to explain scoring and justify award.

Publish Addenda
Publish addendum, answers to questions and solicitation information on your public profile. Suppliers will have access to all relevant addenda & documents posted as announcements.

Supplier Registry with Commodity Codes:
Suppliers are able to register with Commodity Codes and Preferred States of business. Suppliers will receive notification any time a solicitation falls in to their elected categories of Commodity Code(s) and/or State(s).

Evaluation Metrics
Negometrix creates graphs based on how evaluators score supplier responses. The bar graphs above depict the scores given to supplier responses to the RFx based on preset evaluation criteria. Visual metrics simplify the basis of award, making it possible to make data-backed decisions.

Public Company Profile
The Negometrix platform allows you to have a public company profile where all solicitations can be published for vendors to access and participate in.

Automated Notifications
Negometrix provides users with automated notifications to ensure you never miss a deadline, message or update again.

User Groups
Manage teams by setting up user groups within your organization. This allows oversight, and management of roles within your company.

Vendor Communication made easy
Communicate with Vendors, other buyers, and partner organizations in the Messaging & Announcements dashboard! Make the posting of addenda and answering of Vendor questions through this feature simple for you and your purchasing team.

Allocation of seats
Allocate roles in the company profile for your team members. Easily add or change seat allocation to ensure that the right people are working on the right projects. Ease project management and team oversight with this consolidated dashboard!

Secure sign on, and off
Negometrix ensures security. The software automatically logs out users that are inactive for an extended period of time. This is an added safety check for an account that stays logged in after a user leaves their desktop. This is one of many measures that Negometrix takes to promote operational security for all users.

Template Solicitations & Workflows
Negometrix allows you to create templated solicitations and workflows based on your existing processes. This allows you to have boilerplates ready- drastically reducing time spent preparing a solicitation.

Vault Control
Buyers have control of the vault for vendor submissions during the offer phase within the Negometrix platform. Buyers can open or close the vault with just one click.

Offers Dashboard
Buyers are provided a dashboard view of all evaluated offers. Expedite the awarding process with this screen of evaluation results.

Automated Checklists
Negometrix creates to-do lists to make it easy to oversee what needs to be done based on the phase of the solicitation.

Manage Teams
Negometrix allows you to create groups with varying rights and assign roles to the members of your organization. This provides purchasers oversight of teams and makes assigned responsibility clear.

Contract Management Dashboard
Negometrix Contract Management allows buyers to oversee current contracts, set reminders for renewals as well as other important dates, and assign contract managers.

Share Contracts:
Negometrix Contract Management module allows you to share contracts with other departments and external organizations.

Approval Workflows:
Preset and customizable approval workflows are available within Negometrix. Establish workflows within your purchasing team, and ensure that appropriate approval is granted with our solution.

Vendor Never Pays!
Free registration for all suppliers on the Negometrix platform. If suppliers have to pay to register, the results of solicitations are suboptimal and the buyer suffers. This is why registration, and access to all bids and solicitations on the Negometrix platform are 100% free for all suppliers.

Create a draft contract from a solicitation with one click:
Negometrix allows you to draft a contract from a solicitation seamlessly with just one click.

Expedite Evaluation:
Say goodbye to incomplete, drawn out evaluations. Negometrix allows organization-level oversight of individual evaluator progress and the ability to send reminders to colleagues, ensuring complete and timely evaluation. This feature expedites time spent in evaluation through company oversight, templated reminders and visible markers of evaluator progress.

Price-Quality Simulation:
In Compare and Select you can simulate different price/qualities. See what the outcome might have been if the price/quality ratio was 60/40 instead of 50/50.

Increase Vendor Participation:
Add 3 and/or 5 digit commodity codes to your solicitation to notify more suppliers.

Ease of award communication and maintain control visibility to suppliers:
Consolidate award preview and communication with control of what is visible to suppliers. Easily share results, send messages to awarded (and not awarded) parties, preset what suppliers can see upon award.

Manage schedule:
Easily manage solicitation schedules with flexible planning features. Including: visible deadlines, space for explanation to suppliers, set reminders, make colleagues responsible for a task and link to a reminder, bold phases indicate automatic planned open and close of a phase.

Overview of solicitation workload:
By viewing your organization’s planned solicitations, you can see the workload by month, solicitation, and by phase.

Preview as a supplier.
Preview as a supplier button allows you to see what the supplier sees when they submit an offer through Negometrix.

Assemble a purchasing team.
Put together a team of colleagues within the organization, or easily collaborate with multiple organizations.

Compare how parties scored.
Easy overview of how suppliers scored, making comparisons readily visible. Possible to export an automatic official report of opening.

Mandatory evaluator comment.
Negometrix allows buyers to make evaluator comment mandatory. Ensure that evaluators provide explanation of response, further detail or additional commentary with this feature!

Managing evaluations and evaluators.
In the evaluation phase buyers are able to oversee evaluation progress, assign focused evaluation roles and review evaluator responses.

More security and efficiency in receiving bids.
Printing and sending an offer by mail costs between $200-1000, has uncertain delivery times, allows for mistaken location, and the process of opening and distributing each supplier bid costs the buyer time. All of this is solved with a digital platform.

No more incomplete or late offers!
Negometrix allows buyers to consolidate all bids in one place, and keep track of submission status with color coded indications that show offer status. Suppliers are guided to ensure their offer is complete and submitted on time.