Building a Statewide Digital Procurement Marketplace

Highlighting the impact of Dynamic Purchasing Systems and their time and cost saving benefits for purchasing agencies

NY Vehicle Marketplace – A Dynamic Purchasing System Case Study

Developed in 2014 by the NYS Office of General Services, the New York State Vehicle Marketplace facilitates a centralized, continuous recruitment contract that allows more qualified dealers to participate in statewide purchasing of vehicles. By pre-qualifying vendors, they are able to run mini-bids for vehicles in a matter of days. Since its inception, the marketplace has supported more than 5000 vehicle requests from over 800 municipalities.

The Benefits of a Dynamic Purchasing System

Recently, by partnering with Mercell, NYS OGS has brought their vehicle marketplace entirely online, allowing them to continue their work increasing competition and driving down prices for buyers across the state while saving time, lowering costs and reducing errors.

In this webinar, Mercell’s Director of East Coast Operations, Lou Shalam, shares details of this statewide procurement marketplace set up and how Dynamic Purchasing Systems can be leveraged to provide similar benefits to state agencies around the country.

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